Employee Exit Interview Template

Welcome to the Employee Exit Interview template page. This customisable, easy-to-use template can be cloned and implemented immediately. The form is intended to gather essential feedback from employees who are leaving your organisation, allowing you to gain insights and improve your organisation's work environment and employee retention.

Clone this Employee Exit Interview

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Employee Exit Interview Use Cases

An Employee Exit Interview form is a vital tool used by organisations, primarily by Human Resources departments, to understand the reasons behind an employee's departure and to glean insights for improvement. Here are its main uses:

1.Understanding Departure Reasons - The form helps to gain insights into the reasons why the employee chose to leave, whether due to dissatisfaction, a better opportunity, personal reasons, or others.

2.Gauging Employee Satisfaction - It can help assess the level of employee satisfaction regarding various aspects of the job, such as compensation, work environment, management and more.

3.Identification of Improvement Areas - By understanding the reasons for leaving and areas of dissatisfaction, you can identify areas that require improvement in the organisation.

4.Retention Strategy Enhancement - The exit interview feedback can inform and enhance the employee retention strategies of the organisation.

By using an Employee Exit Interview form, you ensure systematic collection of departure data, leading to a more relevant retention strategy and a healthier work culture.

How to Use

1.Clone the Template - Click on the "Clone Template" button to create a copy of the Employee Exit Interview form, which you can then customise according to your organisation's specific needs.

2.Customise the Form - Tweak, add, or remove questions as needed. Consider including sections for reasons for leaving, feedback on different job and workplace aspects, suggestions and other notable insights.

3.Use the Form - Once customised, use the form during the exit interview process. The outgoing employee can fill in their feedback, thereby providing you with valuable insights into your work environment and retention strategies.

4.Analyse and Implement - After receiving the completed forms, analyse the feedback and use these insights to make necessary changes in the organisation, boosting employee satisfaction and retention.

The Employee Exit Interview template is a crucial resource in managing an efficient exit interview process. By using this form, you will ensure all important feedback is accurately captured, leading to upward growth and a healthier work environment.


How do I clone the Employee Exit Interview template?
Simply hit the "Clone Template" button to create a copy of the form that will be customised based on your organisation's exit process needs.

Can I customise the Employee Exit Interview template?
Definitely! You can add, remove, or alter fields as necessary to fit with your specific exit interview process and feedback collection efforts.

How do I share the form with departing employees?
After modifying, you can provide this form to departing employees through email, a shared link, or directly on your organisation's internal portal.

Does this form capture all necessary information for an exit interview?
Yes. With the right customisation, this form can capture necessary data such as reasons for leaving, job feedback, workplace feedback, and improvement suggestions.

How should I use the responses?
You should use the gathered responses to understand the reasons why employees are leaving, what aspects of the job or workplace dissatisfy them, and gather suggestions, subsequently making necessary changes in your organisation. This can lead to a better work environment and increased employee retention.

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