Publishing and Sharing Forms

Part of using Tiny Forms' robust functionality includes sharing your forms with others. In addition to publishing, Tiny Forms also provides various ways to distribute your forms, ensuring your reach extends far.

To publish and share your form, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Form Manager.
  2. Click on the name of the form you would like to share.
  3. Select "Publish and Share" option, symbolized by a green arrow icon on the page.
  4. You can now see the embed code to insert on your website. You can also copy the permanent form link to share it via email or social networks directly.
publishing form

Using the PopUp Designer

With Tiny Forms, you can incorporate your form within a popup and design its appearance without requiring any coding knowledge. Explore the PopUp Designer by following these steps:

  1. In the Form Manager, click on the form name.
  2. Click on the "Publish and Share" button.
  3. Choose the "Embed Pop-Up Form" option from the menu.
using popup designer

In this section, you can customize your pop-up with your preferred colors, borders, backgrounds, button placements, and more. Once done, click on the "Generate code" button to get the HTML code to embed it on your web page.

Sharing Forms by Email

Tiny Forms also allows you to send a form directly to your users' email:

  1. Navigate to Form Manager and click on the name of your form.
  2. Choose the "Publish and Share" button and select "Send By Email" from the menu.
  3. Specify the recipients' email addresses, sender name, Reply-To email address, email subject, and body.
sharing forms by email

Downloading QR Codes

You can also generate QR codes for your forms and share them with your users. To do this:

  1. Go to Form Manager and select your form.
  2. Click on the "Publish and Share" button and select "Download QR Code" from the menu.
  3. The QR Code for your form will appear, click the "Download" button.
downloading qr codes

Form's Backend Endpoint / Downloading the HTML

Tiny Forms offers the capability of generating form endpoints to craft fully customizable forms. You can download the HTML code of your form and use the form's backend endpoint to collect data:

  1. From Form Manager, select your form.
  2. Click on the "Publish and Share" button.
  3. Choose "Download the HTML" from the menu. Now, you can download the HTML code and integrate it on your web page.
forms backend side

The Form Endpoints allow you to replace your form’s ACTION URL or direct a Webhook to the URL for collecting data. Keep in mind to match the alias of each field to your form's field name.

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